Building on all you've experienced, here are some suggestions for additional resources on the Arizona-Sonora Borderlands:
The Sonoran Desert: A Literary Field Guide - Eric Magrane and Christopher Cokinos
Arizona State Museum: Online learning resources
“Two Cities, Two Countries, But Common Ground: Nogales, AZ, and Nogales, Mexico, Share History” - The New York Times
Arizona State Museum: Virtual Gallery Tours (K-12 education links)
“Protocols for Native American Archival Materials” - Northern Arizona University
“Our Grand Desert: A Gazetteer for Northwestern Sonora, Southwestern Arizona, and Northeastern Baja California” - Broyles et. al
Explore: “Father Kino and the Southwest. Arizona” - Classroom Curriculum from “In the Americas with David Yetman”
Tohono O’odham
National Park Service:
“In Our Language is Where We Will Find Our Liberation” - Robert Cruz
“Developing Awareness and Strategies for Tohono O’odham Language Maintenance” - Ofelia Zepeda
Video: Indigenous Peoples Day – Arizona Public Media
Tohono O’odham films, via
Pueblos del Maíz in the Arizona-Sonora Borderlands - Borderlore
Are We Not Foreigners Here? Indigenous Nationalism in the US-Mexico Borderlands - Jeffrey M. Schulze
Video: Border nation - Jason Jaacks
Podcast: “Blockading the Border Bulldozers: Amber Lee Ortega on Hia-Ced O'odham Resistance” - The Border Chronicle
Video: Pride on the Nation—Celebrating the LGBTQ and Two Spirit community on the Tohono O’odham Nation - Arizona Public Media
“Ocean Power” - Ofelia Zepeda
“The O’odham,” in Officer, Schuetz-Miller, and Fontana, The Pimería Alta: Missions and More
“Peoplehood: A Model for the Extension of Sovereignty in American Indian Studies” - Holm et al.
“Resistance and Resilience in Ofelia Zepeda’s Ocean Power” - Angelica Lawson
“Five Poems” - Ofelia Zepeda
Podcast: “Celebrating the Bahidaj!” - KXCI Cultivating Indigenous Voices
Podcast: “Stella Tucker – The Camp” - KXCI
Selections from When It Rains: Tohono O’odham and Pima Poetry:
“Desert” - Helen Ramon,
“Don’t Touch” - Celia Nuñez,
“Saguaro” - Malinda Leon,
“Saguaro Cactus” - Angelina Saraficio,
“The Desert” - Jeanette Chico
Spanish Colonial Insurgence
Arizona State Museum: “Europeans Arrive”, “Mexican Era”
“The Jesuit Missions of Sinaloa and Sonora” - A Visual Catalog of Spanish Frontier Missions, 16th to 19th Centuries
“Tradition and Trade Beads: The Early Sobaipuri O’odham-Spanish Contact Period at San Xavier Del Bac, Arizona” - Kiva, Journal of Southwestern Anthropology and History
“An Epic Journey Through New Spain” - National Park Service
“Pedro de Perea and the Colonization of Sonora” - David Yetman
“Tumacácori Jesuits Worked Mines” - Arizona Daily Star
“History-changing’ Coronado Artifacts” - Arizona Daily Star
Environment and Water
“Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Tribal Research Policies, Processes and Protocols” - National Park Service
Video: All of Creation - Arizona Public Media
Video: “Environmental Education” in The Desert Speaks
“Submerges… Coming Out Again and Then Flowing”: What Historical Documents Tell Us About the Character of the Santa Cruz River” - Kiva, Journal of Southwestern Anthropology and History
“In the Arms of Saguaros: Iconography of the Giant Cactus” - Desert Laboratory on Tumamoc Hill
The Saguaro Cactus: A Natural History - Yetman et al.
Gallery: Tumamoc Sketchbook - Tumamoc Desert Laboratory
Tumamoc Aridamerica Food Resilience - Tumamoc Desert Laboratory
“Agreement Will Preserve Sonoita-area Grassland Where Deer, Antelope Play” - Arizona Daily Star
"Arroyo 2022 - Water Resilience, Indigenous Perspectives" - Water Resources Research Center, University of Arizona
Listen: “Tumamoc Desert Lab Revives Century-old Greenhouse” - AZPM
Video: “Robert Villa – Tumamoc Stewards In-Service Workshop Garden and Greenhouse Tour” Tumamoc Hill
From Jesús García (Mission Garden)
Video: Corn or Flour
Seeds of an Era Long Gone - The New York Times
Video: Tasting History
Human/Non-Human Migrations
The Devil’s Highway - Luis Alberto Urrea
Video: Águilas - The New Yorker
“Bordering Regimes” - Border & Rule: Global Migration, Capitalism, and the Rise of Racist Nationalism
“UA Professor Wants to View Border Differently” - Arizona Daily Star
Explore: Confluence Center for Creative Inquiry: “Fronteridades”
Podcast: Journal of the Southwest’s Radio Hour:
Podcast: We Belong to the Land (Tohono O’odham Young Voices):
“How the US Weaponized the Border Wall” - The Intercept
“From Threat to Promise: Mapping Disappearance and the Production of Deterrence in the Sonora-Arizona Borderlands” - antiAtlas Journal
“Persistent Surveillance”: Militarized Infrastructure on the Tohono O’odham Nation” -The Avery Review
“An Asylum Mirage” - The Intercept